Yasuo YOSHIKAWA吉川 恭生

Art projects I organized with the cooperation of other artists, and group projects I took part in:

May 19-20, 1990
Kyoto University, Coop Area
(Stage Art Director)
February 1990
Okinoshima Island, Lake Biwa, Omi Hachiman, Japan

BAO (Biwako Artists’Organization) was founded in 1989. The group was open to artists of many genres including visual arts, music, literature, and performance art.
BAO was the result of my wish to create an organization of mostly young artists living in the Shiga/Kyoto area who were passionate about bringing their art closer to the public.
I felt the need to create a platform where art could play an active role in society. I also wanted art to break free from being treated like a piece of merchandise, so that it could have a real impact on society in everyday life. And I wanted to give the villagers in the Lake Biwa areas where the festivals were held a chance to rediscover the potential of their community. Many locals played an active role during the festivals, and links between artists and the public were built.
September 1-23, 1991
Katata, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Japan
In the early nineties, Le Génie de la Bastille, an artists’ group based in Paris, contacted me. They had heard about the art festivals I had organized with BAO and were interested in the artistic concept of our group. We decided to co-organize a contemporary art exchange on a large scale. To that end, I established the group ART PROJECT Z&A with artists mainly from Tokyo and Kyoto. As a result, we realized an art exchange that extended over two years in 1995 and 1996.
The art exchange was supported by the Paris and Kyoto municipal governments and by many corporate sponsors.

About Z&A
Northern wall of Gallery Maronie
Kyoto, Japan

“Love Wall” was a project that aimed at providing passersby a chance to express their stance regarding a possible war after the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York City.

About the "Love Wall"
January 15, 2005

I started to think of this project in the days preceding the 10th anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake (Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake). I was looking for a way not to forget the generosity of those who had sent care packages to victims at the time.
Right after the disaster, thousands of cardboard boxes had been sent to the victims. These were packed with “feelings of care” of the senders.
A decade after the disaster, people had started to forget.

The key element in the “Love Parcel Project” is the box. I created many boxes that contained a note reminding the reader of the Kobe Earthquake. The new owners of the boxes were encouraged to pack their own “feelings” into the box and to use it when sending someone a parcel so that “feelings of care” and the fate of the victims would not be forgotten.
One Nite Only
Dinner Menu Performance created and realized based on photos by Man Ray.
International Sculpture Biennale in Aglie “Sculpture Nature–Orient Occident”
Organized by Associazione Piemontese Arte Curated by Luciano Caramel
June-October 2008
Turin, Italy

Some thirty international artists were invited to interpret today’s relationship between Nature and mankind with an eye on the survival of our planet. The sculptures were shown during five months in the historical garden of the Castle of Aglié in Turin, Italy.
My work Girovaganza Platonica (Platonic Roaming) invites the visitor to wander (girovagare) among the various «-isms» (ideologies or viewpoints) created by humans, and to reflect on the strong influence each «ism» has on our decisions regarding Nature.
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